Summer Decor Home Tours 2020
Summer Decor Home Tours 2020. Summer Crafts, Home Tour, and Decorating Ideas I am equally delighted by all!.
Today, I'm joining Marty from A Stroll Thru Life for her week-long summer home tour event. Those ideas included lots of greenery and lots of navy + white, which isn't too far off from my regular decor because navy + white is my jam. Home » Colorful Summer Decorating Ideas - Home Tour.
Oh no, I don't have a separate home at the beach just for summering.. changing out all the artwork or unpacking bins full of seasonal decor to have a beautiful, perennial home that feels like it honors each season as it comes.
How to create a bright, light, inviting home with summer florals, accent pillows, ginger jars and a blue and white color palette!
Summer Crafts, Home Tour, and Decorating Ideas From bold colors to splashy prints, a few easy decor updates can make your home feel like the tropical beach or calming lake cottage you pine for. If you're coming here from Jen's house, welcome!